News from Rainham North Conservatives

intouchRainham North Conservatives
intouchRainham North Conservatives
May 2023

Thank You

Cllr Kwashie Anang, Cllr George Perfect and Cllr Wayne Spring thank you for your support.

Over the past three months, Kwashie, George and Wayne, have been out across Rainham North, speaking with you, and having conversations, and we are delighted that on 4 th May 2023, they won election in Rainham North, and are now the new Councillors for the newly enlarged ward. They have listened, and understand your concerns, including ensuring the delivery of Splashes Leisure Centre, dealing with potholes, and ensuring swift action is taken by the Council on flytipping, which are significant issues facing the ward.

Your new Councillors are committed to making progress on these matters and are committed to serving you. Their contact details can be found overleaf, and they encourage you to reach out at any time to raise your issues and concerns. Our website will also remain up to date with the latest information, and you can follow Kwashie, George and Wayne on social media to keep abreast of their work.

Local students gain experience on Splashes construction

At the Splashes ground-breaking ceremony Willmott Dixon announced they would be working with education providers to support local students. Students from the Waterfront UTC and The Howard School will be completing work experience and two Midkent College students are working on the project as part of their T-Level course. It's wonderful to hear the students are now gaining valuable experience in support of their studies and future career and you can read more about this on the Mid-Kent College website.

Election Night 2023

From left
Cllr. George Perfect, Cllr. Kwashie Anang, Martin Potter and Cllr. Wayne Spring

Contact Us

George Perfect

Wayne Spring

Dr Kwashie Amartei Anang

Update on GP services at Rainham Healthy Living Centre

Whilst the council doesn’t run the NHS services this has still been a key area of focus for Martin and Kirstine since they met with the local NHS to raise concerns when the Green Suite consolidated on their Woodlands Road site in 2018. Both raised a petition in 2021 following the Blue Suite doing the same thing at the Long Catlis Road surgery, and raised these concerns directly with NHS leaders and providers, including Martin following up on concerns again at the Medway Health Scrutiny committee in March with a members item. This included our concerns about the Yellow Suite operating a hub model under Maritime Health with no dedicated GPs for Rainham.

Member's Item
Former Councillor Martin Potter

Martin’s members item reiterated the need for the local NHS leaders to provide Medway Council with details on how they will ensure timely local access to GP services along with an estates plan (previously promised to us) to ensure purpose-built health facilities like the Rainham Healthy Living Centre are fully utilised for medical provision. These matters are ongoing and Cllr Anang, Spring and Perfect are razor focused on these matters moving forward and will provide regular updates.

Station Rd - 20mph

20mph Repeater Roundels

Coronation Street Party

Ely Close Coronation Party

Updates and News

Coronation Street Parties

Your new Councillors spent their coronation weekend travelling across Rainham North, joining neighbours coming together to celebrate the Coronation of TM The King and Queen. There was wonderful community spirit, delicious cakes and lots of fun being had by all! Pictured here are your councillors with residents in Ely Close.

20mph Repeater Roundels

The closure of Station Road enabled the 20mph roundel to be installed as the second part of the request we made with the roundels already installed on Berengrave Lane. These have been installed to remind drivers these roads are a continuation of the 20mph zone on the Lower Rainham Road and to hopefully reduce the number launching their vehicle over the first bumps.